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Life at Drakkar Dev: What is Domenico working on?

This has been a very hard week here at Drakkar Dev: Monster of Puppets is ready and near to release. You could think it should be time to relax and just look forward to a big relase party… Well, we’ll sure have a party soon, but we also love our work and like the industrious bees, there is always something moving on here.

Take a look at the picure I took in a spare moment today, while Domenico was concentrated. What is he working on? Keep following this pages, and tomorrow you’ll find out!

Monster of Puppets – Gameplay Teaser

Drakkar Dev is glad to announce the collaboration with NuOxygen on Monster of Puppets publishing with a new gameplay teaser trailer.

Unveiling the game mechanics:



Monster of Puppets will be available for Android and iOS worldwide by the end of April 2012.

Stay tuned for new fantabulous goodies!!!

Check the game page